Qazaqstan Greenhouse Exhibition - GENGROUP TARIM YATIRIMLARI A.Ş.

Qazaqstan Greenhouse Exhibition

We continue the 12th International Exhibition “Greenhouse. Vegetable Growing. Irrigation. Flowers. ALMATY” with another busy day.

We are on the second day of the event, which took place in Almaty and is one of the most important agricultural exhibitions in Central Asia. At the exhibition where the agriculture sector came together, our stand continues to attract great attention for our services such as modern greenhouse construction, greenhouse equipment, and turnkey greenhouse projects. We would like to thank all our guests who visited us during the exhibition and wanted to learn more about our company and the quality and innovative services we offer in the modern greenhouse industry.

Don’t miss the chance and do not forget to visit us at booth number 08 on the last day of the exhibition!


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