Agriculture means diversity. The key to successful agriculture passes through biodiversity since the demand for fresh food is increasing day by day with the world population. The beginning of agricultural production starts with seeds. It is one of the first issues to be addressed in increasing productivity in all areas of agriculture. Besides other conditions, using high-quality, enduring, and sufficient seeds has a major role in reducing production costs and increasing productivity further in the following processes of production.
For this reason, at GENSEED Seed Breeding and Production, we work every day to improve agriculture and add value to production. We try to minimize the effects of extreme weather conditions, pests, and diseases in the R&D greenhouses that we have established for better seeds and better agriculture and support biodiversity so that a variety of well-adapted crops can be grown in every corner of the world.
Please contact us for our seed breeding and production activities in the light of modern technology with the hope of a greener future.
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